What is the quality of your relationship with a cashier at a gas station or grocery store?
Do you simply look past them and forget to acknowledge them as another human being? From my observation, most people forget to look up. They forget to greet the person. This is an opportunity to make a difference.
These simple moments with someone who is doing a good service for you, are more than interactions with a stranger. They are someone you are interacting with in your community. How would you like to feel in your own community?
You have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s work day. You have the opportunity to bring a smile to someone’s face who might be feeling weighed down by the world around them.
Being the change you want to see in the world, as Gandhi has asked, can be in these simple everyday moments.
Tell us, how have you been that change in a simple way? And if you haven’t, would you like to rise to this simple challenge?
Leave a comment to let us know what you think about being the simple change in your world. It often leaves a ripple effect that can lead to bigger change.
Very interesting. It’s about finding value and connection in EVERYONE.