What Is Grounding Or Earthing?
Music As The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Being The Change


Powerful Healing Through Journaling  1000 667 Nicole Rosenstiel

Powerful Healing Through Journaling 

There is a lightness you feel once you can leave your words bleeding on the page. It’s healing. Both dreaming and acknowledging personal struggles through journal writing helps you to move forward in life.

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Allowing What Is 1024 682 Nicole Rosenstiel

Allowing What Is

The incredible thing that I’ve learned in life, is that life can be so much fun if you are in the spirit of allowing. You can actually enjoy the little wins, the moments that might be missed if you are overcome with fear and anxiety. You can find the laughter within the pain. 

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The Big Picture of Your Life 500 333 Nicole Rosenstiel

The Big Picture of Your Life

Sometimes there are things that happen to you in life that feel unfair or flat-out terrible. Moments of rejection are classic examples.  In the moment, it might make you feel like a failure. Or, it might feel like bad luck. You throw your hands up and yell, “Why me?!” 

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The Waiting Room Practice 1200 800 Nicole Rosenstiel

The Waiting Room Practice

How do you approach a waiting room? Do you see it only as a negative? Do you try to engage your mind on your phone and transport yourself from the present moment?

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Tap Into Your Curiosity 612 408 Nicole Rosenstiel

Tap Into Your Curiosity

When you haven’t been in touch with your own sense of curiosity for awhile, it hides. As soon as you allow your mind to wander during idle time, your curiosity will show up. 

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Unwind Your Mind with Yoga Trapeze 500 645 Nicole Rosenstiel

Unwind Your Mind with Yoga Trapeze

In the history of our humanity, we have never asked so many humans to stay seated at desks with arms outstretched, working, for 8+ hours a day. In my opinion, it’s not healthy. However, I know there’s often little way around it. 

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Tech Neck Help 2560 1707 Joanna Marie

Tech Neck Help

In the history of our humanity, we have never asked so many humans to stay seated at desks with arms outstretched, working, for 8+ hours a day. In my opinion, it’s not healthy. However, I know there’s often little way around it. 

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What Is Grounding Or Earthing? 2560 1706 Joanna Marie

What Is Grounding Or Earthing?

Have you ever gone on a barefoot walk along the water’s edge and felt like a whole new person afterwards? Maybe you felt more relaxed, maybe your outlook on life felt a bit lifted or maybe you just felt refreshed?  

That’s grounding.

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Music As The Soundtrack Of Our Lives 2560 1707 Joanna Marie

Music As The Soundtrack Of Our Lives

Let yourself explore your own musical curiosities. What music inspires you in your life? Let yourself discover, without judging what others will think. You never know where it’ll lead!

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Being The Change 2560 1709 Joanna Marie

Being The Change

Being the change you want to see in the world, as Gandhi has asked, can be in these simple everyday moments.

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