Powerful Healing Through Journaling 

Powerful Healing Through Journaling 

Powerful Healing Through Journaling  1000 667 Nicole Rosenstiel

It’s important to keep dreaming, even when things don’t seem to be going your way. I was just looking back in my journal, and noticed that I often avoided writing my negative thoughts. 

After experiencing a traumatic divorce, single parenting through daily tantrums, being diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, healing from long covid, etc, I noticed I have very few entries in my journal complaining about the daily challenges I faced when life felt dark. 

When life feels the hardest to me I often don’t have the energy to write.  I also can’t bear to look at the gravity of the situation on stark white paper, forever staining it in ink like a permanent tattoo on my journal.

The few dark journal entries I do have, offered a release to my pain. I can feel that exhale when I read those entries. I can feel a light is being shed in the face of those heavy life experiences. The journal acts as a witness which helps take away the gravity of the pain. 

We need both the dreamy and negative releases.

There is a lightness you feel once you can leave your words bleeding on the page. It’s healing. Both dreaming and acknowledging personal struggles through journal writing helps you to move forward in life.