
Tap Into Your Curiosity

Tap Into Your Curiosity 612 408 Nicole Rosenstiel

When you haven’t been in touch with your own sense of curiosity for awhile, it hides. As soon as you allow your mind to wander during idle time, your curiosity will show up. 

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Unwind Your Mind with Yoga Trapeze

Unwind Your Mind with Yoga Trapeze 500 645 Nicole Rosenstiel

In the history of our humanity, we have never asked so many humans to stay seated at desks with arms outstretched, working, for 8+ hours a day. In my opinion, it’s not healthy. However, I know there’s often little way around it. 

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Tech Neck Help

Tech Neck Help 2560 1707 Joanna Marie

In the history of our humanity, we have never asked so many humans to stay seated at desks with arms outstretched, working, for 8+ hours a day. In my opinion, it’s not healthy. However, I know there’s often little way around it. 

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What Is Grounding Or Earthing?

What Is Grounding Or Earthing? 2560 1706 Joanna Marie

Have you ever gone on a barefoot walk along the water’s edge and felt like a whole new person afterwards? Maybe you felt more relaxed, maybe your outlook on life felt a bit lifted or maybe you just felt refreshed?  

That’s grounding.

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Music As The Soundtrack Of Our Lives

Music As The Soundtrack Of Our Lives 2560 1707 Joanna Marie

Let yourself explore your own musical curiosities. What music inspires you in your life? Let yourself discover, without judging what others will think. You never know where it’ll lead!

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Being The Change

Being The Change 2560 1709 Joanna Marie

Being the change you want to see in the world, as Gandhi has asked, can be in these simple everyday moments.

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Boundary Setting: Helping Us Live A Life That Meets The Moment

Boundary Setting: Helping Us Live A Life That Meets The Moment 2560 1709 Joanna Marie

Doing the work needed in our world today, requires time and space in one’s schedule. We need more downtime than we have been recently accustomed to allowing. Downtime is crucial for thinking, healing, and maintaining a balanced life. We are not machines. We are not computers. We are humans, being.

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Seeds Of Creativity

Seeds Of Creativity 2560 1811 Joanna Marie

We don’t judge seeds. We just do the work of keeping the seeds cool and dry, and then plant them with care in a sunny spot. We visit them with water each day and see which ones grow and develop.  Do we know which seed will grow the most beautiful flower? We don’t know! We are open and hopeful, but unknowing. We are non-judgemental of the seed.

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