The Waiting Room Practice

The Waiting Room Practice

The Waiting Room Practice 1200 800 Nicole Rosenstiel

How do you approach a waiting room? Do you see it only as a negative? Do you try to engage your mind on your phone and transport yourself from the present moment?

Try just sitting in a waiting room. Observe your thoughts without judgment. Notice your breath and your energy. Use it as an opportunity to take a moment to just be. 

Once I became a regular meditator, I was able to easily sit still in otherwise boring situations, like waiting rooms without feeling bored and annoyed. I was thrilled with the first noticeable benefits. 

The waiting room phenomenon seemed different, though. I actually looked forward to waiting rooms. I was forced to just sit and not do anything. I’d put my phone in my purse, avoid looking for a magazine, and just be. It became recharging instead of depleting. 

I could practice observing my thoughts, the feelings in my body and my surroundings with as much neutrality as I could and with my eyes open. It was a lovely way to be and a good test of the benefits of my meditation practice. 

To be or not to be… try The Waiting Room Practice!